武汉美食 英语
1.Introduction One of the most famous dishes in China is the在武汉地区备受欢迎的“热干面”
(Ramen), also known as the "Green Bean Ramen". This dish is a staple of the Chinese cuisine and is known for its unique taste and texture. Here's a detailed instructions for making the most popular dish in武汉: the green bean noodles and their associated dish, thermidor
2. preparation To prepare thermidor, you will need: - 2杯面粉 - 1/2茶匙盐 - 1/2茶匙花椒粉 - 1/4茶匙姜粉 - 1/4茶匙蒜粉 - 2汤匙油 - 1杯温水 - 1汤匙酱油 - 1汤匙醋 - 1汤匙糖 - 1/4茶匙辣椒油 To make thermidor, you will need to follow these steps:
2. 搅拌面团:慢慢地加入油和温水,不停地搅拌,直到面团变得柔软有弹性。
3. 将面团揉成一个大球:将面团揉成一个大球,然后放在一个大碗里,盖上一块湿布,放在温暖的地方发酵大约1小时,或者直到面团变成两倍大。
4. 准备面条:将面粉和水混合在一起,搅拌成面团。将面团揉成柔软的面团,然后放在一个大碗里,盖上一块湿布,放在温暖的地方发酵大约1小时,或者直到面团变成两倍大。
5. 切面条:将面团揉成细长的面条,然后放在一个大碗里,盖上一块湿布,放在温暖的地方醒面大约30分钟。 6. 煮熟面条:将面条放入开水中煮熟,然后捞出沥干。 7. 准备酱料:将酱油、醋、糖和辣椒油混合在一起,放在一个小碗里。 8. 搅拌酱料:慢慢地加入酱料在小碗里,不停地搅拌,直到搅拌均匀。 9. 装盘:将煮好的面条放在碗里,倒入酱料,搅拌均匀即可享用。
3. ingredients To make thermidor, you will need the following ingredients: - 2杯面粉 - 1/2茶匙盐 - 1/2茶匙花椒粉 - 1/4茶匙姜粉 - 1/4茶匙蒜粉 - 2汤匙油 - 1杯温水 - 1汤匙酱油 - 1汤匙醋 - 1汤匙糖 - 1/4茶匙辣椒油 These ingredients are all necessary to make thermidor. 4.注意事项 4.1 Thermidor should be made with a ratio of 2面粉 to 1温水, so that the面团 is soft and flexible. 4.2 Thermidor should be made in a large bowl, so that it can stay together and not break. 4.3 Thermidor should be发酵 for 1 hour or until it has become twice as big as before. 4.4 Thermidor should be made in a warm place, so that it can stay together and not break. 4.5 Thermidor should be made with a ratio of 2面粉 to 1温水, so that the面团 is soft and flexible. 4.6 Thermidor should be made in a large bowl, so that it can stay together and not break. 4.7 Thermidor should be发酵 for 1 hour or until it has become twice as big as before. 4.8 Thermidor should be made with a ratio of 2面粉 to 1温水, so that the面团 is soft and flexible. 4.9 Thermidor should be made in a large bowl, so that it can stay together and not break. 4.10 Thermidor should be发酵 for 1 hour or until it has become twice as big as before. 5.Conclusion In conclusion, making thermidor is a fun and easy way to make a delicious and authentic Chinese dish. By following these steps and using the correct ratios of ingredients, you can easily create a delicious and authentic green bean noodles dish that is sure to please your tastebuds!